I’m partnering with the International Perfume Bottles Association to do a FREE perfume swap during their 37th convention this year in Portland, Oregon. If you would like to attend, please register below.
The kind folks at IPBA are also allowing interested attendees to attend their Perfume Bottle Collecting 101 class earlier in the day. Read on for more details!
Portland Perfume Swap Rules
Bring a full-sized bottle of perfume to swap.
Choose from several different perfumes to decant into 2ml bottles.
Please only bring perfumes you no longer want. I've found that it is difficult for 1 to 1 trades as people have different tastes or are not necessarily searching for a certain type of fragrance at a given time.
If you are able, try to get there as close to 2:30 as you can to ensure everyone has access to a robust selection of perfumes.
Samples are ok to bring!
Please only bring bottles/samples that have a good amount of juice inside - no empty bottles please.
At the end of the event, you can take any unclaimed fragrances you brought home with you or leave them up for grabs to conference attendees.
I will have a decant station with little 2ml bottles (I have a limited number). I will have some perfumes from my personal collection that you can grab some decants of. If you'd like to contribute to the decant station (meaning people will take some samples of your bottle, and you will get your bottle back at the end of the event), you are welcome to. Let me know if you will be bringing bottles to decant!
Quick Introduction to the IPBA:
The International Perfume Bottle Association, established in 1988, has evolved into a global nonprofit organization. Our purpose is to provide information and education about all aspects of perfume and related vanity items. This includes researching their uses, history, manufacture, and significance. We promote the collecting of these items and encourage fellowship among our members, while providing outreach to other collectors.
We host annual conventions in cities throughout the United States. Our Regional Chapters include the Chesapeake Crabs, Chicago Skyliners, Florida Flamingos, Texas Lone Star, and Western States. The International Chapters include UK, Australia, France and Italy-Spain-Portugal.
Our collecting interests include perfume and scent bottles, lipsticks, compacts, powder boxes, perfume burners & lamps, solid perfumes, vinaigrettes, perfume jewelry, atomizers, purses, Victorian trade cards, and on and on. These items range from the Ancient Egyptians to contemporary items.